What is the Shehai, you ask? You betray the ignorance of your people, nudriman. Every raga learns of the Shehai as they nurse on their mother's teat -- to ask us "what is the Shehai?" is to ask "what is the sky?" and "what is the sea?" -- but few may wield it. Those who can know better than to try and explain it to those unversed in sword-singing, the brutes who dare call their artless, spasmodic floundering with an iron blade "fighting." The Ansei refines his technique to an art: he knows that the Sword is a principle, not an object, and thus eschews its crude, physical imitations in favor of the Shehai. His battles are won before the making of the first cut.
But perhaps I should be more specific:
It is a metaphor made manifest, a razor hewn from that which separates the figurative and the literal.
It is the weapon of the HoonDing, the catalyst of all great action, the harbinger of Make-Way.
It is Love, a double-edged sword whose blades cut deep into the opponent and deeper into the wielder.
A very interesting quote, the Ansei are just one more reason I love the Elder Scrolls :wub:
That really doesn't explain
how it is actually manifested, it seems that the key is understanding the metaphoric use of the sword as a concept and not a physical object. Using magicka as a catalyst seems too simple, otherwise any old mage could do it. The spirit theory sounds convincing, manifesting their own soul through mysticism into a corpereal object. They condense it so much it becomes real? Any way you can give us a source so I can dig a bit further?
I haven't studied up on my Yokudan culture in a while, but this is probably a good place ot start. I think one key to understanding it in the metaphysical sense is this "HoonDing, catalyst of action, harbringer of the Make-Way". Sounds kind of Sep-ish, very Padomay

The reference to love is interesting, could this have some Vehk in it? Perhaps a lesser form of CHIM? Agh, now that I've dragged that into this I have to spend hours trying to figure it out