So theres just one combination of ingredients to cure every disease?

yes there is, in the original concept I wanted to make it a cure different diseases with different ingredients but it took way to much time and was way to incompatible
Thanks for the work in this mod.
I'm strongly tempted to use it togheter with loosing my religion.
Puting files strictly in tesalliance prevent us most of the time from getting feedbacks from peoples, a strong point of tesnexus, but I know you are encouraging this site/community.
I we talk about "curing diseases", what about curing diseases others (target)?
I always asked myself if diseases in vanilla oblivion can affect NPCs/companions and how to cure it?
Although in, it is said that beggars carry diseases.
Well I did made a link from TesNexus to TESA, but for time being I stick with TESA (Heres the site on TESN: ) and diseases that affect people can still be cured, provided you have the correct items and an on target or on touch spell...