Hi Peeps,
Ive been scooping around for trailers and gameplay, and i mean...doesnt it look exactly like FO3??
I understand its part of the fallout series...so off course there will be some similarities...but from what ive seen it looks near enough the same as the previous title.
it just looks like a massive DLC update as far as graphics go.
Im not here to bash the game as i still think Fallout 3 is one of the best games out there...but Im not too sure if i should pre-order....Hmmmm what to do! :banghead:
Tell me your opinion!!
They've only changed a few things about the style of graphics, and the engine is the same as FO3. But graphics DOES NOT make the game, if you care about things other than graphics anyways. In which case, I would be curious as to why you would have gotten FO3(though it was more fondly viewed, compared to other games coming out at the time, than it is now) at all-since its never been the leader in the video game franchise in that aspect.
Instead of focusing on a new engine or graphics, Obsidian focused on the gameplay and storyline. So you'll notice improvement, through editing and addition, of mechanics of the game, dialog, etc. etc. It's similar to FO3 in graphics, some gameplay, and the fact it's in a post-apocalyptic US-but its far more improved and with a whole new storyline, that in no way is related to FO3.
Some examples of changes:
*The "classes"(for lack of a better word) of guns- It was edited to make more sense. I forget exactly how it worked, as it was announced a good while ago(and could have been changed by now, in some way, too), but it basically eliminated the "Small Guns" and "Big Guns" group-and grouping guns based on their ammunition/the sort of way they harm the opponent instead of their size. Since basing it on size could make it messier. This is slightly random, but they also added ironsights to guns and allowed some kills outside of VATS to be shown in the slow-motion camera.
*Reputation/Storyline- Reputation was put back into FNV, and this (and your gender, apparently) effects how others interact with you as well as the entire, main storyline. There's more than one main possible way to go, in other words-it's less linear than FO3.
*Better AI- I'm not sure of all the details, but one of them includes the facts that the allies you add to your group have their own problems(that, apparently, can become quests to do) and are more fleshed out than they were in FO3.
*hardcoe Mode/Survival Skill- They made the option of having a more realistic experience in the setting with hardcoe mode(which causes your character to have chance of experiencing dehydration, starvation, etc.), and they added several new objects that can be gathered to make new objects dedicated purely to your survival(and now with a survival skill, it makes it easier to...well..survive. 8P And if I remember right, it's required to make certain things)
*Guns can be modified-they can be improved though other parts, and different types of ammunition can be made from pieces you find in the wasteland. I'm not really doing this bit justice, but I'm sure someone else could.
And there's crap loads of other things that I just can't think of off the top of my head.
If you're not about graphics, then yeah, buy the game. If you are, then I highly recommend you don't.