thing that craps all over my saved games. One time I just go to the Lucky 38, and I hear some moaning voice...Like someone having an orgism in another room.
There was nothing there, and when I entered it stopped. I shrugged it off and continued on my way. But after I left New Vegas, I start hearing the moaning voice again, only much louder.
And it doesn't stop. Everytime I change a zone or go inside a house after a while the moaning starts again.
I'm guessing it's the "fade to black and orgisms" scene I've heard of with the strippers. I have done nothing with the strippers, or any six scene at that. None of it makes any damn sense and
no matter how hard I search through Google for similar problems, there are none to be found. I could start a new character sure, or load an earlier save before it started. But it's just a damn waste of time
for it would start at some point and creep me out when my headphones are on high volume.
I believe I have same sort of bug with the gate in freeside. You know that sound that is almost/exactly like the one when you leave the vault for the first tine in F3? It seemed to play too sometimes when the
moaning did.
An obvious fix would be to delete both of those damned sound files. But somehow I'm thinking I would just get some other creepy sound replacing it. So here I am, hoping someone else has the same problem and
has hopefully gotten a fix for it. I can't finish the game with sound effect turned off, and it's "funny" if you have the humor of that of an elementary school student.
Please help, or I'll just stop playing the game period. :/