Version: 0.1
Date: 20.8.2010 10:39:05
Author(s): zmajtolovaj
My first mod, yey!
This mod adds a couple of capes that use tail animation to the game. I've used pale_rider's cape mesh and texture from his Armory of the Divine Guardian. You'll find the in the IC Market District somwhere in front of Slash'N Smash. I've included pale_rider's skeleton used to animate the cape, but you can also use Coronerras Maximum Compatibility Skeletons.
Added in this release:
Chorrol Guard Cape
Bruma Guard Cape
Imperial Ranger Cape
Mythic Dawn Cape (based on Mysterium Xarxes)
Order of Virtuous Blood Cape
Tools used:
CS, Gimp
Texture Replacer 2.0 by Jog
Oblivion Patch (Official 1.2 Patch) - I made it on this version, don't know for others
Stylish Jump - Animation Replacer (Stylish Jump - Animation Replacer) - Cape will flow better when jumping
Installation Instructions
Use Wyre Bash, because mod is in early stages and I don't want to be blamed for your exploded computer and dead parrot.
Known Issues
-clipping aplenty ahoy!! Especially when running and having equipped larger weapons,
-cape mesh needs smoothening out, also texture seems to get streched when applied to the mesh --> if someone more skilled can fix both, pwetty please
-possibly a dirty edit (I accidentaly modified a chest in CS, but shouldn't be a big issue since it wasn't a quest one or even placed in the world
-to smooth out the movement of the cape a skilled animator may need to modify at the tail animations to make it look better
-ground meshes need to be improved (now it looks silly if you drop them)
pale_rider for cape mesh and texture
For usage of meshes and base textures ask pale_rider
Download Link:
My first mod, so go easy on me