Missing: Dennis Crocker

Post » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:01 am

Is anyone else having a problem with Crocker missing at the NCR Embassy? Other Forums suggest you do not wait over night in embassy (which I did not), i waited outside, I tried coming back, I even tried loading older saves and starting a new game. This is a Major problem for me since I've now failed the "Render unto Caesar" quest after I gained infamy rescuing the NCR from Tahitticup Mine, and I had to go back to an older save after failing "The house always wins V" since I chose to kill House. That left me with NO forseeable options to complete the game (can't support Caser, can't support House, and complete ANY NCR quests).

I only noticed, after I spent over an hour looking for Colonel Moore at Hoover Dam, only to discover she apparently only loads after "The King's Gambit" quest which I now can't do, because IT only loads after the "Things that go boom" quest, which I can't do because Crocker is non-existent. My NCR fame is "idolized" as well.

from what I can see, alot of people are having this problem, and it looks like the only people who've been able to solve it are PC users.

Does anyone else see something I'm missing? perhaps another quest I've forgotten to to? (previous quest to "boom" is "ring-a-ding" which I completed). I would really rather complete the gameplay by supporting th NCR but it looks like that is no longer an option.
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Bek Rideout
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