» Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:21 am
Creating functional sailing boats take years... as you'll need a new box of script for sailing forwards 380 times depending on which rotation it currently in... you'll need to create a bunch of animations for everytime it takes damage, you'll need need 380 extra boxes of script for if you colide with something you'll have to take a little damage and then sail backwards... so this would be over a thousind boxes of script, and it would need to be altered for EVERY single kind of boat, new animations for every boat, and none-player-controlled boats would only be able to move around in a certain route, which would also requirre heavily scripting, if they need to stop then move towards the player when people on the boat sees him its even more scripting, and if they survive the encounter they'll not be able to get back on their route and will A. teleport back to where they where. or B. Stand still forever...
so for sailable and damagable boats its 10000+ boxes of scripting... for not-player-controled ships it would take something between 1000-100000 lines, if its even possible... that is unless bethesda makes heavy changes to the scripting... so sorry but I don't want bethesda to waste time on something which would take years to make and most people wouldn't use it...