There is no such thing as "overrated" or "underrated". Just things you hate that others love, and things you love that others hate.
You're telling me that your personal opinion denotes that *insert band that you hate that 90% of the world loves* is "overrated/bad" simply don't like them? Is your personal opinion that important, that it supersedes 90% of the world, thus making said band "overrated"? Lol?
I've not the faintest clue how you people take yourselves seriously. :rolleyes:
Music is nothing more than personal opinion, sorry. Either you like it or you don't. Anything other "emotion" associated with the classification of musical taste is irrelevant.
You're telling me that your personal opinion denotes that *insert band that you hate that 90% of the world loves* is "overrated/bad" simply don't like them? Is your personal opinion that important, that it supersedes 90% of the world, thus making said band "overrated"? Lol?
I've not the faintest clue how you people take yourselves seriously. :rolleyes:
Music is nothing more than personal opinion, sorry. Either you like it or you don't. Anything other "emotion" associated with the classification of musical taste is irrelevant.

I can't take your subjective opinion regarding the validity of our opinions seriously. :rolleyes: Its not hard to recognize when a certain artist reaches a "saturation" point in regard to critical acclaim, coverage by the media or word of mouth. For instance I love the Beatles. I really do. But in spite of their great contribution of Pop/Rock music I don't think those nice little Lennon/McCartney ditties are as profound as many try to play them up to be. In that sense I feel they're over-hyped. Doesn't mean I hate them (as you stated above). Just that they've have too much press and too many accolades above what they're music warrants.