Anyone find a fix yet?

Post » Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:44 pm

Alright, I've noticed trillions of people with the same issue and I've spent the literal past 24 hours straight trying to figure this thing out. The glitch is the usual "Hardin won't take over the BoS when he should."

Well, I've literally tried everything possible. I'm at the turning point where something needs to start Hardin's elder quest now because House needs me to blow them up but at the same time I need mah power armor because I've got a nice set of armor fully repaired ready to wear and it's just frigging weighing me down.

Has anyone found a fix to the Hardin glitch at all? I've even had Cass kill frigging McNamara and we didn't get stopped nor did I gain infamy. I just walked in wearing NCR clothes and McNamara, when clicked to talk, gave his schpeal about how he has to wait but then he got up and started shooting at cass, then they had a gun fight. He died, I took his stuff and his robes and put them on. Nobody cared about what happened even the guards and Hardin. Hardin is the alive still and McNamara is dead. It's been 4 months in in game time that this has gone on for and I want my frigging power armor dammit. I do just fine without but seriously, I hate carrying this around and not even wearing it. And no I won't store it because I'll forget where it is causes I'm a ditz at times.

Anyhow. Halps? Plz?
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Alyesha Neufeld
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