» Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm
My hopes for weather:
? That there be a bit of everything: snow, rain, fog, hail, thunger/lightning, wind, maybe even tornados/hurricanes/dust storms if appropriate
? That the weather has a physical affect on the environment: snow banks that build up in storms and diminish in sunlight, rain the collects in puddles and raises water level a bit with enough time, small bodies of water that freeze in cold seasons and thaw in warm seasons, trees/plants that sway more or less based on the wind speed, small debris being carried around in aimless eddies by wind/water, sleet that builds up on windows and roofs in the early morning, etc.
? The the weather has a physical effect on the player character: wet clothes look wet (water dripping off armor, fabric becoming darker and denser, hair becoming matted and thicker, etc.), wind that ripples any hanging fabric/hair, movement restricted when walking throw a snow bank, etc.
I'm not too concerned about weather to be honest, but I think that a good weather system can definitely go a long way toward establishing an immersive and beautiful world.