It's very easy to point out problems. What it's not always easy to do is to provide solutions. So let's help the devs out.
This thread is here not for us to whine, but to provide solutions for problems. Post something you hate, whether it be a gameplay mechanic, a bug, or anything about previous games that irks you, and provide a solution to the problem.
I'll start.
Combat music automatically alerts you to enemies as soon as they detect you. This is a pretty easy fix, make combat music start after the first blow has landed.
Psychic guards can be fixed by only making them alert to crimes when they are reported by a witness to the guards, or if the guards themselves witness you commit the crime, or maybe if they walk in on you standing over a body with a bloody dagger they'll haul you away.
I'm very interested to see what you all come up with! Post away! :user: