As I understand it, according to lore, TESverse is basically a dream of the Godhead. It's his consciousness.
Belief and faith of this world's inhabitants have great impact on it. Proof: magic and the fact that et'Ada's power depends on the followers.
Aedra are the world's physical laws which ordinary people can't really ignore. However, it doesn't mean it's not possible, right?
Daedra represent ideas which don't have to exist for Mundus to exist, but they do, because they have followers which empower them by expressing the ideas of love, murder and other nice or nasty things.
One can choose not to worship the Daedra, but can't help but 'worship' the Aedra, or, more correctly put, acknowledge their existence, simply because one's physical existence depends on physical laws.
But by 'can't help' I mean 'mentally incapable'. There are those who can surpass this mental block and achieve CHIM, and start percieving the world for what it really is - the collection of ideas that can be ignored...and messed with!

What do you think about all this? I''m just trying to sort all of this out in my head.