It probably matters that the server files haven't been released yet, so they may not put up a price/option for them until they do.
That's a pretty good idea about the community thing. So far I just have a friend of mine that will be playing the game religiously with me and maybe a couple other friends. If I end up with a server, and you have friends who want to play, feel free to invite em in! lol
Since the servers are only going to be 16 people, I imagine there are going to be A LOT of servers going.
Exactly. It's also a good choice to start a community for Brink now, rather than later. This is because people will be looking for servers to regulate. By starting a community now, you have a better chance of attracting players and thus a better chance of being successful in the long run.
And GameServers offers a server pre-order for Brink at $1.29 a month per Public Slot ($20.75 a month for all 16 Players). Oh and by the way, add me on Steam if you'd like to talk more. I see no reason to continue this discussion on the forums as most forum goers here don't seem to care right now. My Steam username is BlackZebra7 (I realize it's very stupid sounding, I made it a long time ago
