I whipped up the medic/engi guide (geared more towards the medic), and this is what ill be using on my main character.
i just wanted some input on it feel free to tweak it, any and all feedback is appreciated.
Tactical Taint’s Medic/Engi: Leveling guide
Rank 1: Lvl 1-4
Lvl 1 Supply Max Increase (R1)
Lvl 2 Sprinting Reload (R1)
Lvl 3 Battle Hardened (R1)
Lvl 4 Sprinting Grenade (R1)
Rank 2: lvl 5-9
Lvl 5 Increase Supplies (R2)
Lvl 6 Metabolism (R2)
Lvl 7 Light Turret (R2)
Lvl 8 Gear Head (R2)
Lvl 9 Extra Kevlar (R2)
Rank 3: lvl 10-14
Lvl 10 Improved Increase Supplies (R3)
Lvl 11 Resupply Rate Increase (R3)
Lvl 12 Medium Turret (R3)
Lvl 13 Nerves of Steel (R2)
Lvl 14 Adrenaline Boost (R2)
Rank 4: lvl 15-19
Lvl 15 Self Resurrection (R4)
Lvl 16 Improved Life Buff (R4)
Lvl 17 Improved Weapon Buff (R4)
Lvl 18 Silent Running (R4)
Lvl 19 Combat Intuition (R1)
Rank 5: lvl 20
Lvl 20 Lazarus Grenade (R5)
i wasnt concerned with Battle Hardened in the begining, because i can buff my own health as i will mostly be playing medic.
Also I know Silent Running isnt too important, and will most likely be replace it with something more important like Command Post Upgrade, but until i try it out im gonna keep it that way.
Thank you in advance.