I am worried now about hairs in skyrim, i wish to see long hairs, and by long i don't mean down to my shoulders, i want that length slider to give me an option to go down from my shoulders all the way down to my waist, and if you can then damn it all the way down to the ground! now that we have animated hairs... there shouldn't be a limit for the hair length, ever seen Tangled? that princess movie, not my kind of movie but... HAIR!!! long fabulous hair!!! you know what i mean

Now from hair to Age, the Age slider was all fine in oblivion, except for the limit you could only play someone who was like lets say 35-70 years old in oblivion. not cool, i couldn't help to think but "come on i want to be 18! not 30! this is a fantasy world for crying out loud why do i have to be an old man!" so thats why i just downloaded custom races andhttp://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577790739791751000/F57AAB68A8A133EA8A074605E1B0D1D3FB843E8B/! not bad is she ? this is the battlespire dark elf race from the http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=29103
Same deal with fallout 3 i wanted to look younger... maybe not THAT young but... http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11215
On to my point, what i want here is as i said before, the Age Slider in oblivion was all a great idea but not the age limit. so here i was suggesting maybe a button that selects the Age Category would be nice, something to put above the age slider, Age Categories should be "Child" (7-12) "Young-advlt" (13-19) "advlt" (20-35) "Older advlt" (36-59) "Elder" (60-1000 if you happen to be an old elf) now about the Child and Young-advlt thingy, that would be hard to implement into the lore but don't you think it'd be awesome if they could implement gameplay so that you could play as a child, the world knows you're a child and the npcs treat you as one. however if this is too much to ask, just make it from "Young-advlt" to "Elder" that shouldn't be too hard, the most they'd have to do would be replace the word "man" with "kid" and replace the word "man" with "grandpa" that way i can play anything from this here http://www.eric-tesol.com/images/odin_2.jpg to this here http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs31/f/2008/220/2/3/SEGA__s_VIKING___Hel_by_michaelkutsche.jpg even if she's a little bit uhm.. "Cold" then she's more attractive than Odin or maybe even this http://david.revoy.free.fr/forums/3DVF/speedpaint/Freyja-d%E9esse-godess-revoy.jpg here or i could play some 7 year old brutalizer if they go with the child gameplay!
Default Faces ! in oblivion the default faces were pretty good, but not great. in Skyrim i would like to see a default face that looks really damn nice, so i can just choose my character race, hairstyle, body size and go play! no face troubles anymore! in addition with the "Age Category" button then a preset for each age category would be nice.
Hair color was pretty fine in Oblivion but Hair styles were very lacking, same goes for Morrowind, i had to download mod packs caleld http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4431 and http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15568
Our favourite button, the Ugly button (randomize face), keep it in the game please ^^ every 1/100 times it gives us a pretty nice face! my http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/577790739791751000/F57AAB68A8A133EA8A074605E1B0D1D3FB843E8B/ was made this way and you can see what i mean with hair styles, thats i think from something called saram, i can't really remember, maybe its the corean one!
Voice, last but not least, VOICE! i want to be able to pitch my voice around and stuff like that, you can see an example in http://www.andriasang.com/blog/2009/07/18/soul_calibur_edit_mode/2132385862.jpg (yes i was unable to find the english version of it) but in that game u can change the voice of your char to sound like an old man down to sounding like a newborn baby with a wet diaper! if this is asking too much at least let us select a voice set, i know the PC doesn't talk much but it does say ouch! i used http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13691 mod for cute little anime girl sounds for all female races in combat, unfortunately tho i couldn't play an old woman with this on!
I could mention a lot more but i rest my case, this will do