The reason for this is I would like to write review/newbie-entry guides on how to use these tools. Normally, I'd just do it, but they'll probably be hosted on a site that generates a very small bit of revenue based on page-views (I'm not exactly going to be making a profit, in other words -- BUT, it's still something to ethically mention); I want to make certain that these folks are okay with this. The gaming site gets a lot of traffic so this might be a new way to get a few more people who are still discovering Oblivion (or rediscovering it) into mods.
I would also LOVE to write reviews and guides on some of the major overhaul/tweak or story/content mods out there that are either matured (like OOO) or are actively developed. If you are a mod creator who would like to get your mod some extra limelight, let me know -- at the very least, I would certainly love to find some more canon, quality game content to play through.