Skyrim, as far as I can remember, is translated in french as "Bordeciel".
What do you think ?
It's horrible.
As a Frenchman, it sounds incredibly cheesy because it's a word-to-word translation. When it comes to unique names or character surnames, they should always keep it in English and pronounce it in French. Skyrim's french trailer has the narrator say "Skyrim" rather than Bordeciel.
Some years ago, I bought a Forgotten Realms novel and stopped reading after the first pages. Those responsible for the translation did a word-to-word translation of dwarven family names. It was horrible.

At least, when products are translated by French-Canadians, the original English names are kept in English and pronounced in French.

I think it's typical of French, they butcher every made up word or phrase when they translate it from another language, instead of leaving it alone. At least that's how it is on every product in Canada.
But not the titles developped in Montreal and translated by us French-Canadians.

Ubisoft Montreal does an awesome job at translating their titles.