I Loved Oblivion alchemy with a passion, and recall many weeks of playtime spent just exploring the wilderness throughout the land gathering reagents and making ever stronger potions and interesting concoctions.
I do admit that at high level the Alchemy became over-powered because we could quaff so many potions in such a short time, but it was one of my favorite things to do (it got me outdoors

I would like to see the next evolution, but more than anything I would hope that Bethesda takes inspiration from the Harvest Flora mod. With that installed, when you picked a plant in the wild, it actually changed appearance (some cases the flower would vanish, other cases the whole plant, depending on what it was). It was great because you could See where you had been before and got a visual indication that I had harvested the plant (or not). I think this would be a great addition to Skyrim.
I think a more convenient way of organizing the reagents when making potions would be great too - and would fall in-line with the UI changes that Todd is shooting for (getting away from long, scrolling lists). Any way to make the lists shorter yet just as deep would be great.
