While it does not change the end result much, most deer do not hit 40MPH. The deer I've seen in oblivion are more along the small white tailed deer type who hit 30MPH as their max speed. In the long haul a human wont keep up, but over short distances there is a decent chance a human might beat them. Assuming deer accelerate roughly the same speed as horses.(which could be totally erroneous, but I've never seen any tests on deer acceleration) At least I think I remember a race from my youth where someone outraced a horse in I think it was the 100 yard dash, the issue was humans reach top speed almost immediately horses don't.
How deer move in the game looks pretty much how they move around here, though I haven't chased one since I was a kid so maybe it looks vastly different when running in fear. The animals never came across as slow to me, people just came across as fast once they got the attributes up a bit.
How deer move in the game looks pretty much how they move around here, though I haven't chased one since I was a kid so maybe it looks vastly different when running in fear. The animals never came across as slow to me, people just came across as fast once they got the attributes up a bit.
This is a deer in Oblivion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsCHSXqNsxM The guy says it's not running away, but it clearly is, since he's still not sneaking, so it can detect him.
This is a real deer, running for fun, unless there's something I can'tsee frightenign it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WskPDhUJ_Ho I can't find any right now, but I've seen video before, think it was in a nature documentary, which had deer running much faster as well.