Okay... I dont see the Nerevarine as good or bad but atleast his actions were good.
What would happen if there came no Nerevarine?
Dagoth would get his golem up and running, the world would become an ashpit, there would be no emperor leading to... :shocking:
An daedric invasion!!!

Who would win that? Hard question... Dagoth is a god and he got the Akulakhan but Mehrunes is also a god and he got an infinate supply of Daedras... I am not guessing that the Mythic Dawn wasnt needed to open the gates. But anyway, I think Dagon would win. Eventually there would be no humans left, they cant reproduce (right? They are corprus beasts so they shouldnt be able to...) and eventually Dagon would win.
And then Tamriel would be just another realm of Oblivion, the lands of Dagon.
What would happen if there came a Nerevarine who suceeded and all that?
Dagoth dies, the Akulakhan is destroyed and the Red Tower is destroyed.
The daedric invasion comes, Martin and the CoC stops it, Martin dies, Akatosh fixes an eternal defense against the Daedras.
Chaos in Tamriel since there is no emperor and the empire is falling apart, the Ministry of Truth destroys Vvardenfell and parts of Morrowind...
Lots of chaos, eventually the Mede emperors fixes the situation.
Which do you think is best?