I know there sitting in box somewhere in that gamestop..... I know, prime for the taking. No midnight release... I SAY WE RAID!!!
Kidding, but on a serious not I have a question as a Playstaion user, I know this has been asked before but please comfort me.
Playing through the story mode levels me up and give more unlocks, si? Si. Now just to be sure, all that I unlock there will transfered over to multiplayer when the psn is back up, correct? So when I can get online, I can stroll on in like a boss, fav weapon with attachments, tatts, clothing and all?
Actually - A fellow game snatcher (Someone who got the game early

) - Once says "Do the Challenges before you do anything, to unlock all guns + mods".
So you might want to think about doing the challenges first.
Secondly as towards the playstation - No idea, never been a PS man.
But my presumptions are yes - they will store and save, and you will "stroll in like a boss". ...Until you get shot.