Haha - I figured somebody would take me up on my offer

Well since this is an installation thread...
Pretty Books Galore:
I like to run with Book Jackets Oblivion, Better Book Collision and Book Placement. I also have the Spell Tomes DLC, so I also use Grimbot's Spell Tomes. If you don't have the Spell Tomes DLC, don't use Grimbot's! I also use Auto Book Placer, but that can be installed later - it doesn't conflict with any of these. NOTE: this is installation order, not load order. As I said I use BOSS for my load order. Also, most of these are texture and mesh replacers, so there is no plugin!
- DLC Spell Tomes
- Book Jackets - Oblivion
- Grimbot's Spell Tomes
- RD Better Book Collision
- ESPless Book Replacer
- Better Book Collision Patch
- Book Placement
For Book Placement, you must use BookJackets - BP.esp, not Book Placement V2.esp. Follow this list in order and overwrite the previous with each mod that follows. It's also important to read the readme for these mods - Book Jackets in particular - because there are some options that may require you to copy some files around. I usually unzip these to another directory first and copy the files around, then install from that. This setup will give you nice looking books that can be stacked together tighter than normal. Note that Book Placement doesn't work with Grimbot's - I may fix that at some point. You can install both, but when you click on a spell tome, you won't get the Book Placement menu even if you have cast the spell. The ESPless book replacer replaces all the vanilla textures with the textures from Book Jackets and Grimbot's, so all books will use these textures. I found some things missing from one mod or another, so that's why I load them all. Note that some of these are candidates for being imported into your bashed patch, so you don't necessarily need the plugin. I won't get into importing with Wrye Bash at this point.
Pretty Horses Galore:
I like to run with Slof's Horses. I also have the Horse Armor DLC. I also like to have the Imperial Legion Horses armoured and have the darker colours for that armour, so I use Ulrim's horses to make everthing play nice together and give me the armour on the Legion horses. I have made some fixes to Ulrim's, but Ulrim is still around and has promised an update, so I passed my comments along to him. I mention that because some people have had some issues getting Ulrim's to work, so I suggest you backup your data directory before trying this, in case it doesn't work for you.
- DLC Horse Armor
- Slof's Horses
- ESPless Slof's Horse Replacer
- MD Saddle Bags (optional - I'm not using currently)
- Ulrim's Horses
The ESPless Horse Replacer replaces all the vanilla horse textures with Slof's horses, so every horse in the game gets the benefit of Slof's textures. Ulrim's has to be installed last because it detects the other plugins and customizes itself based on what you have installed. So if you start with having MD Saddle Bags installed and then decide to remove it, you will have to re-install Ulrim's. Another note: if you are running Knights of the Nine, then you would install that before installing the horse mods listed above. Ulrim's also has a different version of its plugin if you have KotN.
I believe all of these can be found on TES Nexus. Try searching for the names I've listed - a partial search would probably work better (like searching for horse or horses instead of Slof's Horses). I believe Slof's Horses is listed as Slofs, for example.