Hmmm... so, there will be a) Dive-While-Jumping and Dive-Without-Jumping animations?
Well done, stands to reason to have both.
Now, if you can make the game to make difference between jumping into water (so that dive anomations are to be played) and jump on land (so that dive animations are NOT to be played) then you are 90% ready!
Indeed, there'll be two animations

Water detection is not yet working. After a few tests on the subject I decided to postpone it's developement until I've completed other essential functions. The animations stop when the player is under water, but if the player doesn't sink below the water level, the animations will not stop. I will fix this as soon as I can (it should be easy; I just need to record the water level of each cell and when the player goes past that level - you get the point), but for now there are more pressing issues. For the water detection I've thought of somehow making a "sonar", or then just a workaround, like when the animation is played on ground, it'll activate the rolling animation

But we'll see.