It comes out on the 12th for other countries.
Some (lucky
Though said entertainment hasn't been welcomed very well.
So lets fast forward to the day when it releases in the USA, fair enough, excitement will abound (and much deserved) but what will start to happen?
Videos of game play, Cannon spoilers and the like?
We've already seen how one or two people who have early versions of Brink affect the general opinion of the game.
Imagine when thousands share there opinions to those who do not have the game?
Is there a way that the community here can co-exist without leaking too much information?
Could there be a communal 'cease fire' on potentially leakage of information to those who don't have it yet?
Some counter arguments:
This is stupid, just don't read the posts that have (may not) have spoiler alert on them.
From my experience, such threads fill up the forums rather quickly leaving other posts in the darkness
We're lucky to have game early, you just have to put up with it and wait your turn
Be a decent soul and think of what we're going through?
Would you prefer those with the game, whom have it earlier than you, keep quiet about it until everyone has it?
Or do you really care at all? will you go into hiding and not pay attention to the forums.