No Doom, Doom 2, Unreal, Unreal 2, Quake, Quake 2?
Nope, sadly never got a chance for any of these... I do know what they are tho :wink_smile:
wow you think you are experienced because of that? the avarage game age is 34 if you think your little 10 years of ''experience'' is being experienced you are deeply wrong. you are only experienced if you started out on wolfenstein 3D Duke Nukem and Doom
Alas, my age kind of hindered me from getting adept with most of these older fps's. I know I'm not as experienced as most, but for my age I'm pretty damn experienced.
And u think i can take you seriously? Hating on CoD and its players while u played it like a mad men.
Then again you've never actually seen the way I play cod do you? I never stop moving... Literally never, I halo jump, I drop shot, and I strafe. I'm always top player of my team and am the only one actually playing objective properly (usually). I hate COD with a passion, but it's the only thing worth playing on my xbox... Trust me, I wish I had an amazing cpu over my xbox any day.