gorsh, maybe that's what's gonna happen here on earth on December 21, 2012; the end of the Mayan calendar.

Ummm... The calender does'nt actually say that the world is gonna end (or change for that matter). The problem is that the calender was discovered by the wrong person (and by "wrong" I mean an insane idiot who wanted to be remembered in history as the man/woman who figured out when the world was gonna end)... :blink:
Maybe the guy who was crafting the calender got tired and did'nt feel like making another one.
Then again there are different cultures around the world (most of them did'nt have contact or even know that one another existed) that predicted a great CHANGE (keyword change) on one date (21-12-12). Some examples of the cultures are: Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Aztecs, Mayans, Nostradamus (Which I guess he represents the French). And those are the only cultures I know with this prophecy.
I know this post is a bit confusing to understand, but I hope you guys got the point...
(Don't know why I said Sorry)..
Maybe I'm insane...
Maybe Not
ZzZzZzZz *falls asleep*
Edit: Just remembered something else that predicted the end of the world: The http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_Bot. If you don't know what that is then follow the link.
Found something http://www.2012supplies.com/countdown.html for all you crazy people who just can't wait for the world to end