I'm picking up Oblivion again, I haven't played for six months or so and feel like I want to start again, but I need your help!
When I was playing Oblivion before I had a lot of mods, OOO mostly, tried FCOM as well but my computer I had then couldn't really handle it, and I've played a lot of awesome questmods but I've forgotten the names of them.
Anyway, I was wondering what new mods has come out the last six months to a year that you recommend? I'm mostly looking for questmods, long or short I don't care.
I'm also looking for a mod to level up to 20 right away, because I'm kind of tired of leveling to lvl 30 for the fifth time, I'd prefer starting at lvl 20-ish.
So, mods I'm gonna play with is OOO (or maybe not, maybe you can recommend something better?) and Alternative Start(tired of that starting dungeon, lol), some level up mod (I remember someone releasing a schack where you could level up by clicking paintings or whatever, but I don't remember the name and I just can't find it when I've searched) and as many questmods as possible to squeeze in. I'm gonna play an sneaky type archer (luuuv dem bows) who likes to steal stuff and sell them, I guess. And immersion mods can be fun too, basically recommend anything really, everything is appreciated!

Thanks guys, I greatly appreciate any and all recommendations.