The Coblised Readme:
Name: Erewhon Coblised
Version: 1.0
Date: 16/09/2010
Category: Homes
- Oblivion
- Cobl
- Cobl-aware Hunger/thirst mods of your choice
Author(s): wetblanket
A modest yet spacious player home situated on the northern shore of Lake Rumare. No quest or purchase required, merely a marker added to your map. While unique it is very much an Oblivion home.
Cobl Features
- Well at rear of house
- The Luggage
- Cobl Sorter cunningly disguised as a pair of scales
- Static Alchemy Equipment. Rather than a table, a crystal ball is used to return apparatus to your inventory. This makes it easier to select the equipment I feel. NOTE: You have to have apparatus in your inventory on first use. A starter novice set is in the 'Apparatus' cupboard.
- Dinner Plate. I don't use hunger mods myself so may have approached this oddly. Add your dinner ingredients to the cooking pot in the kitchen fireplace (it's a container). Wait for however long your role-playing instincts tell you for it to 'cook'
Activate the dinnerplate.
Other Features
- All one cell apart from a not-so-secret secret area (hint: look for something out of place)
- Lots of safe, named storage
- Sitting, Dining, Alchemy, Kitchen, Armoury with Loth racks and a dummy, Study, Bedroom and Storage Loft with companion bed
- Companion-friendly-ish (only tested with Companion Vilja - she needs escorted to bed)
- Flower garden with seat and fenced vegetable garden
- Stabling (storage NOT safe, included to provide Cats & Rats spawns and some colour)
1. Extract wb_Erewhon_Cobl.esp and bsa to Oblivion\Data\
2. If, and only if, using Region Revive-Lake Rumare 1.3, extract wb_Erewhon_RR-LR_Patch.esp to Oblivion\Data\
3. Load Order:
Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp (if used)
wb_Erewhon_RR-LR_Patch.esp (if used)
I strongly recommend the use of BOSS to ensure correct load order.
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the esp and bsa files
Although I am unaware of any incompatibilities, I would be very surprised if there were none.
Known Issues or Bugs
- If using Region Revive-Lake Rumare 1.3 there is minor land tearing etc.
Use the included patch to resolve this.
-AWLS only works on 2 of the 3 chimneys, I'm not likely to fix this.
V 1.0 - Initial release.
PM wetblanket at TESAlliance or TESNexus
TESAlliance - Tutorials and forum - that means you DarkRider.
Vince Bly - HMTK was used extensively and also served as a good introduction to the vagaries of NifSkope.
Thanks to Vince for help and advice also.
Meo - Modular fireplaces, room-dividers and pewter bowl prop
Loth - Weapon racks which I amateurishly retexured to match vanilla furnishings.
Texian - Water statics
Cobl - Thanks to all involved and also those responsible for the UESP Cobl pages
Arthmoor - Tutorial on patch creation
- anybody not mentioned above.
I'd be flattered - and amazed - if anyone ripped this off so go for it
with the obvious priviso that you credit those I have.
Version: 1.0
Date: 16/09/2010
Category: Homes
- Oblivion
- Cobl
- Cobl-aware Hunger/thirst mods of your choice
Author(s): wetblanket
A modest yet spacious player home situated on the northern shore of Lake Rumare. No quest or purchase required, merely a marker added to your map. While unique it is very much an Oblivion home.
Cobl Features
- Well at rear of house
- The Luggage
- Cobl Sorter cunningly disguised as a pair of scales
- Static Alchemy Equipment. Rather than a table, a crystal ball is used to return apparatus to your inventory. This makes it easier to select the equipment I feel. NOTE: You have to have apparatus in your inventory on first use. A starter novice set is in the 'Apparatus' cupboard.
- Dinner Plate. I don't use hunger mods myself so may have approached this oddly. Add your dinner ingredients to the cooking pot in the kitchen fireplace (it's a container). Wait for however long your role-playing instincts tell you for it to 'cook'

Other Features
- All one cell apart from a not-so-secret secret area (hint: look for something out of place)
- Lots of safe, named storage
- Sitting, Dining, Alchemy, Kitchen, Armoury with Loth racks and a dummy, Study, Bedroom and Storage Loft with companion bed
- Companion-friendly-ish (only tested with Companion Vilja - she needs escorted to bed)
- Flower garden with seat and fenced vegetable garden
- Stabling (storage NOT safe, included to provide Cats & Rats spawns and some colour)
1. Extract wb_Erewhon_Cobl.esp and bsa to Oblivion\Data\
2. If, and only if, using Region Revive-Lake Rumare 1.3, extract wb_Erewhon_RR-LR_Patch.esp to Oblivion\Data\
3. Load Order:
Region Revive - Lake Rumare.esp (if used)
wb_Erewhon_RR-LR_Patch.esp (if used)
I strongly recommend the use of BOSS to ensure correct load order.
4. Start Oblivion Launcher, click 'Data Files', place a checkmark beside the .esp file(s).
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
2. Delete the esp and bsa files
Although I am unaware of any incompatibilities, I would be very surprised if there were none.
Known Issues or Bugs
- If using Region Revive-Lake Rumare 1.3 there is minor land tearing etc.
Use the included patch to resolve this.
-AWLS only works on 2 of the 3 chimneys, I'm not likely to fix this.
V 1.0 - Initial release.
PM wetblanket at TESAlliance or TESNexus
TESAlliance - Tutorials and forum - that means you DarkRider.
Vince Bly - HMTK was used extensively and also served as a good introduction to the vagaries of NifSkope.
Thanks to Vince for help and advice also.
Meo - Modular fireplaces, room-dividers and pewter bowl prop
Loth - Weapon racks which I amateurishly retexured to match vanilla furnishings.
Texian - Water statics
Cobl - Thanks to all involved and also those responsible for the UESP Cobl pages
Arthmoor - Tutorial on patch creation
I'd be flattered - and amazed - if anyone ripped this off so go for it