What If The Creation Kit Is Completely Different Than GECK..

Post » Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:18 pm

That quote from Todd is unfortunate indeed...at least for people who wants to see a new engine (like meh :D).

On the other hand, apart from many claims that the engine is "entirely new" by the devs, and that modifying an engine that is not owned/created by you (as I think Gamebryo is), and releasing it claiming that it's your own engine maybe it's a bit...erhm...illegal? makes me doubt. Maybe Todd only was referring to "ways of doing things", and not the engine/code literally.

I agree about the disappointing part. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited as hell and I think Skyrim looks great, but I was really hoping for a leap over anything we have seen as opposed to a pretty good looking game.

As for changing the name of the engine, a few posts back someone made the point that the only part of Gamebryo that required licensing was the renderer. If Bethesda developed a new renderer and then tweaked the rest of the engine, they could technically call it a new game engine (although calling it "entirely new" while stating it is built on modified old code is a bit deceiving).

Although imo nothing looks mind blowing about the graphics or the engine, I'll be very excited to see what they have done with Havok physics and animation. That was always a sore spot for Bethesda games, so hopefully they will make some good progress. I just want a decent third person view and to feel like combat has some impact.
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