Vault 34

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:09 pm

(OOC: Lol you cut off your own fingers.)

Darren: Holy [censored]! You just cut up your hand! I had a couple stimpacks in the bag. Hand it to me and I'll get them for you.

Darren looked at the Enclave group. They weren't as heavily armed as the other group. He wondered why the vault was so important.

(OOC: We're going to have to make up a reason why that vault is so important.)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:07 am

(OOC: Oh and anyone else who wants to join can. The guy who runs this forum doesn't even go on it anymore.
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roxxii lenaghan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:46 am

I officially hand this RP over to Blackbelt.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:51 pm

Name: Drakelius Vai
six: Male
Age: 27
Race: Human
General Look: Green/Brownish Eyes, Black Hair
Equipment: Wears Combat Armour, Is Trained To Wear Power Armour, Just Needs To Get His Hand On It, Weapons - Assault Rifle & Laser Rifle On Back, Knife In Boot And Laser Pistol In Belt.

Drakelius used to be in the BoS, He left when he was 26.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:58 pm

name:Jordan James


age:79 (mutated slightly when 25, mutation allowes him to look the same while being very long lived)

race:Human, but mutated a little by sleeping in a radioactive pit one day

general look:dark brown hair, one eye a bright, almost glowing green and the other light Blue, Caucasian, but with a very slight greenish glow, noticable at night, looks like he works out about 3 times a week,

equipment:outcast power armor with green instead of red paintjob, a shishkebab with no rust or gas tank, a fully repaired laser rifle, and 12 frag grenades plus five frag mines strapped to his side

dumped onto the side of a road by BOS troops who found out that he had been mutated with his "contaminated" equipment, where after that he built his flaming sword out of peices of a lawnmower and damaged car.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:16 pm

Darren stumbled over to his bag, grabbing it and dumping its contents onto the ground. He quickly grabbed a stimpack and injected himself in the neck and shoulder. Then he got up and walked away from the group, he started to run, and then he ran faster and faster. When he finaly stopped he found himself on the side of a road. He could just see a figure in the distance. Out of breath Darren hoped the figure would walk over to him.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:08 pm

after shooting and killing a pack of wild dogs,Jordan James begins to cook the meat when Jordan turns around to see someone who looked tired out behind him, and runs over to help.
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Robert Bindley
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:36 pm

Jordan walks over to the person on the side of the road. "hey! you! what are you doing..." he saw the enclave troops coming their way "Oh my God...come on!" he grabbed the man, half carrying him, half dragging him along the road, while he started firing at the enclave troopers with his laser rifle. A super-hot laser caught one of them in the leg, then another laser hit him in the side of the head , burning the man's face. " Oh shi...Jordan exclaimed as he saw a ball of plasma fly past him "we have got to get away from here!" The man he was dragging/holding only groaned.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:53 pm

Darren was suprised to be dragged by a complete stranger, then he saw the Enclave troops.

Darren: I know a place to run to! It's south east of here. An old vault, follow me!

Darren started running towards the vault. He turned around and shot a shot from his 10mm and the Enclave troop. It just bounced off his heavy armor.

Darren: Lets get outta here!
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:33 am

Character Sheet:

Name: Vasili Mihailov
six: Male
Age: 41
Race: Human.
General Look: Blue eyes, long dark hair, muscular, 6'5
Equipment: Chinese Jumpsuit, Combat Knife strapped to boot, Combat Shotgun right side of pack, Chinese Pistol in shoulderholster, Chinese Assault Rifle center of pack.
Other: Ex- Red Army Lieutenant, Very fit and muscular, Rowdy, fairly good natured, likes to be out in the middle of the wastes, but also enjoys good company,

Excellent with Small Guns, Melee Weapons, and Repair,
Somewhat good Speech and Medicine.

Dog named Anastasia, Sometimes likes to drink and enjoys a good smoke from time to time.

Very handy.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:54 pm

Name: Daunte Hanson
six: Male
Age: 45
Race: African-American
General Look: Green, bloodshot eyes from all the drugs, black hair, buzz cut, yellowish teeth (poor hygene)
Equipment: Wasteland wanderer outfit, 10mm pistol with 5 mags with 12 rounds each.
Other: Addicted to Med-X, Jet, and Psycho. So he carries a lot of those drugs with him.
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:29 pm

Sun beaming down, as hot as every other day in the wasteland,
Vasili raised a cup of fresh, well, fresh for this barren hell, to cracked lips surrounded by a sunburnt face,
Anastasia panted beside him as he took out his last bit of Mole Rat meat from days before, Vasili tossed a raw chunk to his faithful dog and set to making a fire to cook his own.
Fire ready and meat cooking slowly the last remaining Mihailov breathed in the dry dusty wasteland air and looked off to the distance.
Where would he go?

Hallowed Moors Cemetary was beginning to get a little dull, and Vasili feared that if he did not leave soon he would go insane.
With no company but Anastasia since he left his home, a vault in New York, He had wandered the waste.. doing what? just surviving i guess.

Closest thing to a human he'd seen were the Ferals that had somehow gotten into the Vault and forced him to leave.

Vasili snapped back when Anastasia started nudging him and whining,
"What is it boy?"
The dog just nudged Vasili and started to trot away,
Following his trusted companion he wondered what it could be,
They stopped after a few minutes at a large truck, jumping into the back Vasili was almost dumbfounded.

In front of him, piles of ammunition, Supplies, caps, food.
Vasili looked around for something to carry it with, seeing a cart he brought it over, amassing all the caps into a single bag, except for the 300 he always kept in a pouch on his belt,
Put a box full of ammunition in his pack, and strapped a belt of shotgun shells across his torso.
A box of snack cakes in his pack and then the rest on the cart, Vasili dragged the cart towards the church in the cemetary.

After breakfast and quick weapon maintenance Vasili packed up and headed south.
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Kayla Oatney
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm

(OOC: Since I guess I am officialy incharge of this now I'll control a few NPC.)

As Vasili was packing a group of raiders returned to their campsite. They were away attacking another group of raiders in Springvale, and were suprised to see a man in and a dog eating there food and taking their ammo.

Raider 1: Son of a [censored]! Shoot him!

The raiders took out their 10mm pistols and their assault rifles and opened fire on Vasili. Vasili only had a moment to react. What would he do? Run, hide, fight?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 pm

*Cough Cough* "What the hell is going on over there?" wondered Daunte, taking in another inhaler full of Jet.
"This [censored] really does wonders to you." he said to himself.

Dazed, and high Daunte stumbled toward the gunfire in an attempt to scavenge anything left. He ran into the camp, wielding his 10mm and shooting it wildly. Daunte fell face first into the ground, cutting his face, and didn't get back up.

(Blackbelt, have the raiders notice him too)
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:24 am

(NPC= The raiders heard shots from the behind them. The man Vasili was ducked behind a rock covered from there fire. The raider leader motioned to 2 of his men to go take out whoever had tried to sneak up on them. One of the raiders was armed with a .34 pistol and the other with a lead pipe. They walked towards where they thought the shots came from.

Raider 1 (Leadpipe): There! Someones there, laying on the ground!

The raider with the leadpipe charged towards the man on the ground, pipe raised high above his head, ready to swing.
The other raider, older and more experienced, waited a bit farther back, he knew this could easily be a trap and the man on the ground could start shooting at anytime. So he stayed back with his pistol aimed at the mans head. The raider with the pipe suddenly ran between the raider with the gun and the man on the ground. Ruining any chance the senior raider had of blasting the mans head off. The raider with the pipe was about to smash downwards.

(Darren= Darren and the man who he was running with were headed towards vault 34, with the enclave hot on there heels. A laser shot rushed by Darrens head. blasting the wall of a small house ahead of them. The house was small but from what Darren could see through the broken windows there was a back door to the house.

Darren: In here! Hide in a closet and they'll run right out the back door!

So they did just that. The closet was cramped and smelled like old clothes. Darren noticed a pair of pre war shoes and a pre-war buisness suit in the closet with him. Then he heard the enclave rush into the building. Darren held his breath, hoping the enclave wouldn't find them.

Enclave Officer: I saw them go in this building. We have to find them, for all we know they could have taken the weapons prototype!

Enclave Soldier: They must have charged out the back door sir! We can catch up to them if we hurry.

Darren peaked through the key whole of the closet. The enclave officer was different from the one before. This man wasn't adorned in heavy metal Enclave armor. He just wore a suit with an eagle emblem on the right side of his chest. The other soldiers were in hi-tech Tesla power packs. There were over 10 of them.

These must be the back up for the guys who I saw at the vault... what do they mean weapon prototype?

Enclave Officer: Alright soldiers. You know the drill if we lose an enemy in a house. The main force leaves to reach the destination and a small force remains to elimenate the enemy. Jaske, Burns, Shwartz. Stay here and search the place. The rest of you are with me. We're going to get the "Gatten".

Enclave Scientist: Sir, I must insist that we further look for these enemies, if they have a prototype of the weapon the results could be very hazardous, what if they decide to fire it!

Enclave Officer: Shut the [censored] up and do as I say you [censored] moron!

The enclave left except for three soldiers, Burns, Jaske, and Shwartz.
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Michelle Serenity Boss
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 pm

Vasili sat behind the rock,
Where was Anastasia?

Vasili removed his Chinese Assault Rifle from his bag, and peeked out around the rock,
He managed to get a glimpse of Anastasia off behind and to the right of the raiders before they fired, forcing him back into cover.

Vasili took a few deep breaths, and then whistled to Anastasia.
The dog began to run towards one of the raiders, just as he was about to tear into the raiders leg Vasili jumped out and opened fire.

Hitting one raider in the shoulder and forcing him to drop his weapon, he began to run towards the group as Anastasia tore chunks from the raiders leg.

Vasili swiftly ripped his Combat Knife free from its sheath and went down on the raider, a direct hit would puncture his throat.
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Rach B
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:04 pm

Quesion-Did you pick Vault 34 because of the nature of the, or was it just a random # on your part?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:14 pm

(OOC: Answer to SaverWolf's Question: Well I didn't make this forum, Erandur-Vangaril did, and I had no idea what was in vault 34 until I read your link. My previous post about a weapon was just an attempt to make a story out of this, fits nice though)

(Npc= The raider fell, a bullet from a chinese assault rifle plunging into his shoulder. Suddenly he felt great pain in his leg. A dog was ripping at it with claws and teeth.
Raider: [censored]! Get the [censored] off me you dog!
The raider aimed to shoot at the dogs skull with his good arm. Just before he shot a knife stabbed into his throat and back out again. The raider's blood was spraying everywhere, the last thing he saw before he died was his hands. Stained red from his own blood. The other raider started firing with his Assault rifle. From the looks of him he was obviously the leader of the group, and the most accurate. One of his bullets sped through Vasili's arm before the raider had to reload. Vasili screamed in pain. His dog charged at the raider. The raider franticly tried to reload his weapon but the dog was to fast. It pounced on him, knocking the raider to the ground. Then it tore out his throat.

(Darren= Darren heard the enclave soldiers searching the house. He saw through the key hole one of them opening the fridge.

Burns: He's not in here!

Jaske: No [censored] dumb ass, why would they be in a fridge?

Burns: The captain told us to look everywhere...

Jaske: Just shut up and look.

Suddenly someone moved in front of the key hole. All Darren could see was Enclave armor. Then the man bent down, staring at Darren eye to eye. Without thinking Darren kicked open the door, knocking the Enclave soldier to the ground. Then he jumped on him, stabbing him with his combat knife. The other Enclave soldiers turned around to see what was going on and the man Darren had been running with opened fire. Jordan's laser rifle pierced one of the Enclave's power armor, killing the man inside. Then the last man alive, Jaske, made a run for it. He charge out the back door and ran for his life. But his power armor weighed him down. Darren easily caught up to the man and stabbed at his exposed neck. (OOC:Yes the man has no helmet) But Jaske heard it coming and turned around just in time to stop the attack. The power armor that had let Darren catch up to the man was now making Jaske twice as strong as normal. Jaske swung a punch directed at Darren's face. Darren quickly hopped back, avoiding the blow.

Jaske: Get over here!

Jaske charged at Darren, going to tackle him into the ground. Darren had only a split second to react, he whipped out his badly damaged Desert Eagle and pulled the trigger. His last thoughts before them man's head exploded were:

I hope this thing still has ammo in it...
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:00 pm

( OOC: I'm assuming there's more raiders. )

After Anastasia rips out the leaders throat, another raider begins to run towards him.
Vasili grabs a dead raiders helmet, and runs towards the raider,
Ramming the helmet into his face and breaking his nose, out of instinct the raider grips his nose, Giving Vasili a vulnerable target, bashing the raider in the knee and kicking him down,
Vasili leaps on top of him and begins to slam his fists repeatedly into his face, with blind rage the raiders face is beaten to a pulp, In between grunts Vasili yells " Don't .... You.... Ever ..... Harm.............My........DOG!!!"

The remaining Raider just stands there in shock,
As Vasili stands up and looks at the bloody mess of the raiders mashed face, the last raider turns and runs.
"Anastasia. *Whistle* "
The dog sets off after the raider while Vasili recovers his equipment and scavanges the raiders bodies.

Just as he finishes throwing anything of value the raiders may have had onto the cart, Anastasia comes back dragging the dead raider, a long blood trail across the dry ground of the wasteland.
Vasili bends down, cuts out the raiders heart, and cuts off his head.
Throwing the heart to Anastasia and mounting the raiders head on a stick on the cart, he drops to the ground.

Letting out a long sigh and chugging nearly half the bottle of Vodka, Vasili simply sits there.

Anastasia walks over and lays down in front of him.
" My only company out here .. "
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:04 pm

"You Told Us We were the only ones out here you f**k heads"

"If you had not noticed its a nukler F**kin waste land!"

"All the encave bases don't have com systems or are just destoryed
the guys chould be from raven rock for all i F**kin know"

"the other guys have already cased vault 34"

"then check out fort constine "


"Its a ICBM lunch pad . We could use a ICBM .
Theres anthor vault in the area , vault 75 and it
has a GECK check the location on your pip boy
we uploaded it too you . Good luck your going to need it"
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Matt Gammond
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:02 am

(NPC: The raider with the lead pipe charged at Daunte Hanson and swung down. Cracking open his skull.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:50 pm

(OOC: Is this RP dead? If not, I'll join.)
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:23 pm

(OOC: I don't know, I keep wondering that but it comes back. Join if you want I'll still be checking up)

( Darren= Jaskes brain exploded as the desert eagle round traveled through his forehead. He died instantly, painlessly. Darren turned around and wiped blood off his leather armor. Darren turned to the man who had came with him all the way to the house.

Darren: I'm sorry, but this is where we separate. I need to go back to Vault 34. I need to find that weapon. I know it'll be dangerous but it's something I have to do, the Enclave have helped me before. If the same guy is still at that vault then I'll be fine.

And with that Darren turned around and started walking towards vault 34. He had been walking for over 10 minutes when he saw a man in the distance. Darren readied his Desert Eagle, just incase the Enclave had come back. He quickly checked how many shots he had left.

3 shots, just enough to take down one of those Enclave boys. I better not miss.

Darren ducked behind a burnt car. Watching the man as he came closer. The man just walked past the car, seemingly not noticing Darren. Now that Darren was closer he could see that this was no Enclave Soldier. The man might be a raider though, so Darren took out his combat knife and placed his Desert Eagle in it's holster. He slowly crept up on the man and when he was close enough to strike stopped and spoke.

Darren: Keep your hands above your head!
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Connor Wing
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:58 pm

Name: Ben Anderson

six: Male

Age: 24

Race: Human

General Look: Ben is a man of an average, but lean physical build. Standing at 5'11 and weighing about 165 lbs, his athletic and youthful capabilities are eminent in his face and stature. The male Caucasian possesses a pallid skin tone that starkly contrasts with his dark brown eyes and brown, clean cut hair. His face is pretty plain; he is handsome, but nothing above the mundane. His garments consist of the traditional Vault 34 garbs, a blue jumpsuit with the number 34 printed across the back of the shirt in bold, white color.

Equipment: Vault 34 Uniform, Pip-Boy 3000, 10mm Pistol

Other: Ben lived an average life in the secluded confines of Vault 34, showing no exemplary prowess in any particular talent he pursued. Doubtfulness and idleness would set the pace of his entire life inside the vault as he picked up a job as a garbage collector. His latent talents were never discovered by 34's system of education, and indecision on the GOAT gave him the profession he so despised. In order to maintain his sanity, he used the pleasant thought of escaping as a coping mechanism. For the first time, he felt, fate smiled upon him with opportunity. The man had a chance to restart his life, to begin again. Ben took it, and left the Vault, managing to elude death's grasp.
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