Some of you folk crack me up, so here's something to sink your teeth into:
Several have pointed out that it would take a bit of superhuman strength to dual-wield say Daedric Warhammers. This is unrealistic, they say. Others have pointed out that this is a game where magic exists, so anything is possible. Well, what about this then? You take your Warhammers and lay down some magic on them-- Feather, for example. Well now they're lighter than that sword and shield you were wielding as a level 7! Would that work? I mean really, if the weight of the things is the only problem-- you'd be impossibly slow, you couldn't possibly lift them both-- problem solved with an already in-game feature!

Of course, then there's the problem of physics...a lighter Warhammer could not inflict as much damage as a heavy one. Still, these are enchanted, magical Warhammers, right? Fight it out-- but be civil, fellow posters!

As if it matters, I don't want to see this feature in the game. But I didn't want fast-travel either, and a great philosopher once said that "You can't always get what you want"...