First off do i need the official and unofficial patches or shall i get them if i encounter a glitch/problem ect at a latter date.
Also are there any known major conflicts between any of the above mods, I have checked myself and I cant find any just making sure.
As for the vampire mod, i really like the sound of the ageing vampire gaining powers from age and drinking blood, as i have yet to encounter and or become a vampire what i want to know is, is drokks a good choice (bearing in mind i have no time for obse and other such things mainly as i have yet to fully understand what it is they do, and have noticed some vampire mods require stuff like this or wyre bash) i do use obmm however. I am after a more realisitc and rewarding vampire character one that grows in power, does not reset to default face all the time, looks half decent, any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.
Also as i am familiar with mainly the console version of oblivion i have a question regarding the controls on the pc, for one in the menu if you caryy multiple items how can you drop only one of that item and not all of them, i.e i have 5 wolf pelts but only want to drop one.
Also is there any way i can set a map marker like in the console version.
Sorry if these seem like obvious questions but if you dont ask you never know

Thanks in advance
The Unknown Chemist