First off Welcome to the forums

A good start when searching for mods, is to think on what -YOU- would like to see different or improved in your game of Oblivion, think to when you played the 360 version, and something that bothered you or you felt should have been done better, there are mods for almost every occasion
a flurry of individuals will state soon, that the best tools to have at hand for mods are Wyre Bash/OBMM or both, OBSE(Oblivion script extender) and BOSS.
Wyre and OBMM are superior to the stander Datafiles handling program you have for oblivion, Wyre is for high tier examples such as resolving conflicts or getting certian mods to play well with each other, for now Do OBMM
OBSE is used for certain mods to add or enhance features of the game itself, you will come across mods that require this, whether you want them or not is up to you
BOSS sorts large mod orders, this can fix a hell of alot of issues bound to come up in your experience
but before you get into all that farce -lets- resolve the ren issue.
may you ensure that several things are set and fine in your game
its patched to the latest version, I cant recall what that is atm
1. the ESP is in the Data folder (you have this done)
2. the meshes and texture folders are also in the Data folder
if this is the only mod in your arsenal at the moment then really little else requires a comb over.