Okay, so, for the fourth time in the past three years I have wiped a PC and chosen to reinstall everything including Oblivion and all of the mods I deem "necessary" with that. I started two days ago installing all the necessary utilities and the first few pieces of FCOM. Anyway, i decided yesterday that since I didn't have my mod setup done yet I would play some vanilla, so I unchecked everything in Wrye Bash except Oblivion.esm, Shivering Isles, and Knights of the Nine, and launched up Oblivion... and it crashed on launch (right at the first loading bar screen before the main menu). I tried launching Oblivion by itself and with OBSE, to the same result. I can't figure out anything I've installed that would have this effect on trying to play vanilla, nor can I recall anything that causes Oblivion to crash on launch besides a missing esm file, thus causing much confusion on my part. While I realize this is a seemingly stupid thread, and my goal isn't really to play vanilla in the future, I figured it'd probably be better to diagnose this now BEFORE I installed like twenty more mods on top. Currently I'm running Windows 7 x64 Bit, and I have Oblivion installed in a non-default directory. All I have installed so far is:
Wrye Bass
Elys Uncapper
Elys Universal Silent Voice
Oblivion Stutter Remover
Fast Exit
OOO 1.33 + 1.34b5
OOO PyFFI-ed meshes
Fran's (both parts)
Fran's Unoffical Armour Addon (as well as the Bonemold Helm mod, and the Ordinators in Cyrodill mod required)
WarCry (both parts) patched to 1.85 patched to 1.9
All three Unoffocial Patches (including the FRANS/MOBS-friendly version of USIP)
And I've patched Oblivion.exe with the 4gb Ram patch
...and I think that's it...
Sooo... that's all I know. Oh magical gods of the gamesas forums, please make my problems go away!

I'm actually just really confused as to WHY this is happening, and would greatly appreciate it if someone could offer me some help here. Thanks in advance!