I'll get the info in a bit. But there's more stuff going on in Stormwind than Ican see happening in TES any time.
This probably isn't actually true. WoW doesn't have physics like Skyrim will, nor does wow have all the little movable objects all over the place that obey the game physics either. It's completely possible that Skyrim will have more going on than WoW in any location. On top of that the textures and lighting will very likely be considerably heavier in Skyrim. Cataclysm improved on that a bit in WoW, but their rendering engine simply won't be able to do what Skyrim's will.
For example, shooting 20 arrows in WoW adds nothing to the environment for the client to render or apply physics to or really care about at all beyond the spell animation. In Skyrim (like Oblivion) shooting 20 arrows adds 20 new objects to to the environment that need to be rendered, check for collisions against, and apply physics to as needed.
TES games are a completely different beast from WoW. Items are handled so incredibly differently that they're not even really comparable. Everything (other than mobs) in WoW is static, in modern TES games a whole lot of stuff is dynamic. Personally, I can't wait until even more is dynamic... Fire that spreads, wrecking houses, all doors, chairs, furniture etc etc. The more dynamic stuff in the game the more real it
becomes feels.