how many have the game though...there has been numerous hints the game would be a mess at launch and those reviews are probably the result of that. these reviewers have other games to review and if the review code was a bug riddled abomination they have every right to call it. why should they have to re-review something that has been a waste of their time?
i'm excited for brink...somewhat annoyed the launch date on steam is wrong, and more recently even more annoyed to see a friend playing it through steam via proxy. mostly because i don't know how to do so myself and i hate regional release dates.
still reviews are useless , read the review take in what they have said, not the number at the end. quite often you'll agree with various things they've said even if you dont agree with the score. if they mark it down for being too different from COD weigh that opinion against your opinion of cod. if they elaborated on that point further weigh it up.
that is how reviews should be used. not the number at the end.
Agreed. People use reviews like a drunk uses a lamp post, for support and not illumination. (ok, I stole that)
Take the points, but make the judgement yourself.
And don't get defensive! As the post said, this game seems to have quite a hard-core fan following (I'm one)
In the end, the game will be populated purely by people who feel the same way you do. Way more fun.