Good poll, asking for feedback etc.
After the initial journal entry, some of my delayers flash a message "I have a feeling..."
In general I think I would find this annoying. If I have the quest in my log, that should be enough. It's up to me to progress or not as I choose. The only real annoyance was the pop up at the start of a game for me;
"Someone just gave you a note" - what?! No they didn't, I'm still in the freakin' dungeon, and you say I inherited a castle or something?!

Some delayers need or require the player to have visited a place (or places) a number of times.
Not really my thing. I understand your explanation about this usually applying to visting broad areas, not specific buildings as such. But still; I think I like the delays in these ways:
1. Remove the quest addition at start-up - that's the real biggie.
2. Delay until the quest requirements and/or suggestions are met - such as being at least a certain level etc. I do like the limited randomness where you may get the message a few levels above or below that level though, makes it feel a little more natural and fluid. Not too much of a range would be my advice though.
3. Set the quest to trigger somewhere at least somewhat relevant - nearest township or whatever, depending on the nature of the mod, if location is of any significance.
4. But if all conditions met I think I would like he quest to begin as soon as I got to the relevant place (Anvil for Castle Seaview as an example) regardless of how often I have visited the area before.
Sure sometimes it seems odd that a quest starts as soon as I step foot in a town for the first time, but better that than missing the quest due to infrequent visits. In general I think people want to actually play the quest (otherwise why would they have it installed?) So making it available at the earliest rational opportunity (conditions met) seems the best bet to me.
My delayers typically set a random level to start the quest
As stated, this is fine for me. I can't really comment on how high they are set, or FCOM vs. vanilla (haven't played them enough) but in general I would say that triggering a little lower than optimal (whatever that might be) is probably better than higher. In other words better to get the quest before you are quite ready, level-wise, than not having it start until later. Again; simply because people want the opportunity to play the quest as and when they choose, rather than have it dictated
too much by the delayer.
Some of my delayers disable the specific NPC(s) that start the quest until other conditions are met.
I don't know if this is strictly neccessary. But I guess some are of the nature that the quest stage giver (etc.) is unlikely to be in town unless with the intend to recruit for the quest.
Perhaps a case by case situation, this one.
If a delayer was availble for a mod, but wasn't BASH-able, would you use it?
BASH-able is always preferred - who wants an esp slot taken up by a delayer, on top of the mod itself. And perhaps patches as well as those! Some mods seem to get like that, with what seems like one esp for the mod then half a dozen more (exaggeration intentional), but with delayer + a couple of patches + COBLisation... it can get up there) just to make it work as desired.
But if that is the only way, there are probably some mods that many people would gladly take on the extra file, just to rid themselves of the annoyance of the popup. I want the opportunity to delay the mod, from annoying start up messages, even if I may choose to live with it after all to save a slot, on a more heavily modded game.