lol, you're saying two things there without realizing it lol. So, right now, day one, hour one...If I walk into a Gamestop and buy a regular edition (US didn't get LTD.ED) I will get both the Spec ops and Doom pack? or just the Doom pack?
Aight, I'll try again then - for I didn't do anything wrong, but I will see if I can make it clearer, I also did not know you guys did not get the 2-code pack casings
Let's say GameStop got the Fallout pack, and Wal-mart got the SpecOps pack
You walk into Wal-mart and buy a copy, no pre-order, just buy a copy from the first shipment - you'll get the SpecOps code
You walk into GameStop and buy a copy, no pre-order, just buy a copy from the first shipment - you'll get the Fallout code
The codes are inside the casings, not handed out by the employees by hand, so the first shipment of BRINK to that retailer will contain the code for more items, the next one however will not, those will just contain the game