I recently finished the Fighters Guild quest line for Oblivion yet again. I've finished this quest line six or seven times total since Oblivion first came out, but I keep noticing new things every time. Little details, mainly. For instance, this is the first time I bothered to talk to any of the other Blackwood Company members during the brief time I joined (just before the quest at Waterfront) so I managed to learn some new terms like "jihaat" and "Pakseech" which were interesting. But the thing I noticed or really paid attention to for the very first time is a possible inconsistency in the lore.
After the quest, where your character obviously can't handle the Hist Sap, Oreyn informs you that it must have extreme effects on non-Argonians. And yet he says this whether your character is an Argonian or not. In fact, one of the three nameless Blackwood enforcers who accompanies you on this quest IS an Argonian and he seems to see Goblins, too.
What's the consensus on this? Is it possible that the Hist is so badly deformed and corrupted by artificial magic that the sap even has a hallucinogenic effect on Argonians? If so, why do you think nobody in the Blackwood Company seems to have noticed or cared about the extreme lapses in judgment and lucidity that its members doubtless have suffered? Ri'Zakar and the other leaders don't seem to view this as an issue or as a concern at all. It just seems like an extreme oversight for a supposedly experienced and battle hardened group.
Any thoughts?