I read through the trial a few times and came away with a few questions each time. Questions about what, in fact, occurred, and about the motivations for causing these things to happen.
So, anyway. Here I go.
- What did Vivec do to Azura? I know he bound her to the world, or maybe just to the chamber they were in, and shoved Muatra down her throat and made her...explode. But what was he trying to accomplish? It is my understanding that the result of the Trial is that Vivec achieved CHIM, but was all that necessary to achieve CHIM or was that just revenge?
- If Vivec knew all about CHIM, which he appeared to, why did he wait to step up to it? How do you even hold back a realization (which is what I understand CHIM to basically be)?
- Why in the world was Azura talking like that? She was perfectly intelligible in Morrowind and now suddenly she's stuttering in all caps. What?
- Speaking of Azura, was she destroyed and sent to the waters of Oblivion like other Daedra or is she dead? Or is she pouting in her room?
- This is especially confusing because I assumed this took place after Morrowind but before Oblivion. If that's true I don't know why she's giving you quests in Oblivion if she's incommunicado like the last paragraph of the Trial says. It must be true if Uriel VII is there. Guess she got better...
That's all I can think of, I suppose. I'd appreciate any help you guys could give me.
I love the more esoteric stuff in Elder Scrolls, I just need a bit of help wrapping my head around it.
PS. I am of course assuming that the Trial of Vivec is canon. If it isn't then woops. :blush2: