» Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:52 pm
Version 3.0 is coming along nicely....might be a beta release by Halloween...not later than Thanksgiving (hopefully).
Version 3.0 is a *much* expanded version....among other things, it will add around 100 new capes (for a total of over 200), it will touch more than twice the number of citizen npcs (compared to previous versions)...and will add capes to npc enemies (in a randomized fashion...though each enemy npc set will draw from a unique list appropriate to that npc set). Version 3.0 will also add pre-enchanted loot capes which may be discovered in certain chests and some of these *may* drop (rarely) from npc enemies. Currently, there are around 60 enchants and well over 100 enchanted capes (which are created using a combination of the enchants and the over 200 Hemingwey's Capes I have mostly finished). The long withheld Crusader's Cape and several others (originally intended as some kind of quest reward) will make appearances as rare loot capes. Thanks to Corepc and team MMM, Hemingwey's Capes version 3.0 should integrate seamlessly into an MMM game. Finally, version 3.0 will be presented in an esm/esp format...and is likely to have many configuration options. (I will release a set of version 1 and version 2 cape-preserving esps for those who want to upgrade, but have existing games using older versions of Hemingwey's Capes and sorely want to avoid losing the capes they already have acquired.)
Version 3.0 is aimed at creating a Tarmriel in which capes are a fully integrated part of the game world. There should be so many distinct capes and enough different places and ways to earn/discover rare capes that it is unlikely you will run across them all in any single Oblivion game...just when you thought you had found every imaginable type of cape, you will discover something you have not seen before...at least that is my goal.
Because of the scope of Version 3.0, I am likely going to do away with the "(H)" armor and clothing (armor and clothing which shows amulets and, therefore, capes) and simply offer a 'non-Wrye Bash user' version that will set ALL vanilla armor and clothing to show amulets, as well as a 'Wrye Bash user version' that will not touch armor and clothing, but will rely upon the user to build a bashed patch accomplishing the same thing. (Note: If I do this, the OOO compatible non-Wrye Bash version will set all OOO armor and clothing to show amulets.) If I don't do this, non-Wyre Bash users will not be able to enjoy capes on enemies and citizens that wear leveled list items (because I refuse to manually create hundreds of new '(H)' items). Making this change should not be diificult, but, once done, re-introducing the "(H)'" armor and clothes would be time consuming. Therefore, before I head firmly in this direction, I thought I would post my intentions and solict comments, if any, from those who use/enjoy Hemingwey's Capes -- if there is some sort of 'public outcry,' I may reconsider. :hehe:
P.S. For those new to this mod....preview shots of some of the new capes can be found at http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=30101 The link to the current/released version of the mod is in my signature block, or at the top of this thread.