Welcome to modded Oblivion! You have some great things to look forward to, I do believe.

Some links for ya. It's best you make your own mind up, and try things for yourself. Otherwise, you'll just end up with others' favourites, or whatever.
Firstly, check the stickied threads in this very forum. Then...
http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1053088-deltes-thread-of-immersion-mods/ [edit: ninjaed!]
http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/advancedsearch.php - get to know how to use this well, and you'll hardly need to ask about any mods.
http://www.tesalliance.org/, for anything that
mightn't be available above.

There. Should be set up to find just about
anything you need, I imagine. But also, check threads in this forum, particularly Relz (mod release) threads, for information, advice, updates, what's new or popular, etc. - maybe the most recent 10 pages of them or so? Whatever works for you.