Well thats will be very good if will be implemented thats was nice feature in morrowind but need some tweaks with mods trough for example wearing an ring still counts as wear clothes on undressed character, Ordinator attack player in Indoril armor even if we receive it legally or %PCname leader of Tribunal Temple or Nerevarine.
In oblivion I use great mod by kuertee
Clothing matters
Awesome greatly improve game experience.
Thanks, Dragon_Stalker!
...Still, I would love to see people respond/react based on the clothing/armor you wear. I found it rather silly to be dressed up as a Dark Brotherhood member and nobody (not even guards) said anything. Same thing while running around naked. At least in Morrowind people commented on that

My mod that Dragon_Stalker mentions above does attract the gurads to you when wearing the DB armour.
Being naked has no penalties per se'.
But wearing the correct clothing when in dialgoue with NPCs have bonuses.
E.g.: Expensive clothing when interacting with royalty will give you some bonus.
While the same apparel when interacting with the poor will not.
Also, another not-so-well known feature of Clothing matters is guard uniform can be used to inflitrate guard factions.
Be careful, however, because there are "conditions" for this: E.g.: the longer you impersonate a guard, the more suspicious guards will become of you.
And the more complete your guard uniform is (e.g. helmet, shield, etc...) the better your disguise will be.