I've been thinking about the recent TES V release and I've come to the conclusion (It's amazing what you can get from a 70 second trailer) that the protagonist will become the next Emperor/Empress. "How the hell did you come to that conclusion!?" I hear you cry. Well, first of all, my theory isn't quite fully fleshed out so bear with me. Second, the trailer says something like "they fear the Dragon-Born" The dragon born are the only ones who can wear the Amulet of Kings (now destroyed but perhaps Akatosh will see fit to return it or perhaps it is inside Martins statue) not just the Septims, but the Cyrodiils and Alessian rulers too. They are of conjoined blood with Akatosh and are traditionally rulers of Tamriel.
"What about titus Mede?" I hear you ask. Well, it is made quite clear in 'The Infernal City' that he only rules Cyrodiil, nothing is said of Skyrim. Perhaps our hero (whom we will all be posting about this time next year) rules a Northern Empire, of sorts (note the "s" in the title description). There could perhaps be two Empires the Northern Empire and the Cyrodiilic Empire
This could explain the length of time it has taken to release the sequel to The Infernal City, perhaps the next book takes place in the Northern Empire.
But, we wil probably have to wait another year.