I would like for there to be Daedra Seducers or Winged Twilights. Just any kind of beautiful winged female to appear as an enemy, I really love succubi monsters in videos games with their bat wings and
scantity-clad bodies as they battle your character and try to steal his soul.Also I would like birds too.
Was this an intended pun
if so, well done, if not, that was an awesome coincidence...
I would like to see WereVultures. And Winged Twilights. And other mages/Ghost/Litches utilize levitation.
Before we have were-vultures, we need ordinary vultures, it doesn't make sense this way around for vultures or any other creature, so don't get too far ahead of yourself. I do agree that normal and were-vultures would be a good addition, along with birds of prey, non-hostile birds like sparrows and some fantasy/made-up flying creatures. The sky (and sea) need to be filled up more.