» Thu Jan 27, 2011 12:11 pm
Honestly, I'm on PS3, but I'm not a hugely overzealous really devoted fan, and I have friends with XBox 360s, and they're a great console too.
From a close anolysis of those screenshots, here's my take on things.
XBox - Better Antialiasing (AA). Lines are smoother, but at a (very slight) cost of detail. Also, some of the XBox screenshots look like the brightness has been set wrong, and that negatively impacts things. There's a big "but" on that though - some look like they're too bright, while others look like they're not bright enough. Also worth noticing is the lack of subtlety in the shadows.
PS3 - No AA, or if there is, it's badly done. BUT there's a small amount of detail that AA washes out, so the PS3 gets slightly more clear imaging, at the cost of some areas looking a little jagged around the edges. Also, from the look of it, the PS3 has MUCH better shadow rendering, with more a more subtle and real-looking fade between dark and light.
Honestly, unless I was checking it for myself, and had the ability to appropriately adjust the brightness and other settings on the TV to appropriate levels for each console, I can't make a 100% confident judging, but I'm going to make my statement based on what I have seen.
I'd personally prefer the PS3 version (which is good, because it's the only version I have the option of getting), but I know other people who'd consider the PS3's lack of AA to be a serious problem.
Final verdict (predictably enough): PC WIN! (must be said in Tekken announcer voice)