I've never pre-ordered a game before, but what are the pros and cons? If I pre order, will they deliver the game to my house or will I have to pick it up?
That is actually my main question, (I know it's stupid but please... no insulting :swear: )
EDIT- Thanks, and I'll most likely get it from Gamestop or EB Games.
We have 8 months until the release of Skyrim... and my copy is already pre-ordered AND paid-off in its entirety. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Now I'm just waiting to see if Bethesda releases a Limited/Collectors Edition, and then I'll remove my money from what I pre-ordered and put it towards the special edition. I know that Bethesda really doesn't do the "special editions", it really isn't their "thing", but a guy can hope. lol
But back to topic, the benefit to pre-ordering is that you are
guaranteed a copy of the game on release date, plus there is no real waiting in line. You walk into the store, tell the employee that you have a game on pre-order, and walk out with it already in hand while all of the other jokers are looking at you longingly with that gleam of jealousy in their eyes. No messy money exchanged during the furor of release day sales. lol
