Some people keep saying "hardcoe", not sure that porm would be a good thing to have in the game, I mean I know other games have had "brothels" and what not...

. anyway!
I would like to implement a magic storage feature, so that you could cast a spell to switch out your equipment magically and could summon a magical container to your current location to store your stash, it'd have to a storage limit to stop it being abused to death, but I think it'd make up some of the short fall Mages had in previous games from having such low strength ratings early on and making revisiting defeated dungeons for more looting a tedaious boring aspect of the game. I know there was the feather spell, but over looting could leave you very weak if you meet something outside of the cave and you are suddenly hit by the burden.
Could be done so storage space is based on expertise of related skill, incrementing 50 pounds each advancement in expertise.