Easiest way is to create your own archives (or download some, whatever) of MP3 files, and install them via BAIN (i.e., right click and choose "Install", in BAIN) - that way, if you write over any original Oblivion music filenames (as well as, possbily, adding other filenames), you can very easily get them back should you want or need to (i.e., right click and choose "Uniinstall" on the offending archive).
Personally, I use Better Music System, because it is just
awesome, and even works fantastically well with mods such as the ULs and Anequina. I love it! And... don't have any issues with it, but YMMV, if the interwebs are to be believed.

There used to be a couple of great threads about track selection, including one specifically about music for BMS, or regional music in particular even (one of the functions BMS offers). But, Beth's forums being nigh on unsearchable as they are (even via the esteemed Google)... yeah, best of luck finding them, and I mean that sincerely.