ok so I found out today that oblivion has a 255 mod limit; and alittle more research I found that I have to merge my mods so I got TES4 Gecko. So now I am at the Gecko menu I click on Merge Plugins and I can only click on one mod. is there a tutorial out there some where? I have 367 mods so the more I can merge into one the better. is there something better than Gecko?
For what it does, no not really, to the best of my knowledge.
367 mods eh? That's a far few.
First things first; are you using Wrye Bash? Which will let you merge and deactivate quite a few mods, while adding their stuff to the game of course (otherwise what would be the point eh?)
Those deactivated/merged mods are not counted in that 255 limit (a limit imposed by the 2 digit hexadecimal numbering system by the way.)
Perhaps some recommendations can be made.
Another thing to consider might simply be to cut your list down. BOSS can help in ordering your mods, but also gives some advice, some of which might encourage you to drop/change some of your mods.
And post your mod list / load order. In Wrye Bash the best way to do this is Right clicking on the File header in the Mods section and selecting "List mods...", then copy and paste that list here.